Application Guidelines

Presenter Application

The presenter selection committee does not keep past applications on file, so if your application was not selected in the past, feel free to apply to present at a future AZ Vegetarian Food Festival + Symposium, either on a new topic, or with an edited version of the topic you previously proposed.

Please provide us with accurate contact information.

We will need to let you know about deliverables (such as your slides) and event details. Email is our primary contact channel. Please provide an email address that you check regularly where we can reach you.

Please respond to emails in a timely way.

If we get in touch with you, please respond promptly.

Take your commitment to present seriously.

We understand that unforeseen emergencies do happen. If you decide that you can’t speak, please try to make that decision and let us know sooner rather than later.

Presenter Selection Process

Our presenter selection process is more art than science. Here are some of the things that we consider. Think of them as guidelines rather than rules:

  • Diversity of topics for each event.
  • Originality of topics (i.e. have we heard about it before?)
  • Commitment and preparation of the presenter.
  • Potential interest of the topic to audience.
  • Passion and/or expertise of presenter.

On the flip side, some reasons why applications might not be selected:

  • Applicant has presented at the AZ Vegetarian Food Festival before or is scheduled to speak locally within six months surrounding the festival.
  • Application was really unfocused/unclear.
  • Presentation topic was too self-serving (i.e. promoting a person, business, etc.)
  • Proposed topic or full presentation is not original.
  • Applicant applied after the presenters were already selected for the next event.
  • Proposed topic was too similar to that of another selected presenter.
  • Proposed topic was deemed not to be of broad audience appeal.
  • Logistics were not favorable.

* required